
Thanks for stopping by.  I’m Christopher.  A friend suggested that I find a place to share some of the liturgical materials I write for worship in the seminary chapel at Eden Theological Seminary.  We meet for worship three times a week: Monday (11:40 a.m.), Tuesday (6:15 p.m.), and Wednesday (11:40 a.m.) during the school year.  You’re welcome to visit.

The title of this blog is from Genesis 2:10, “A river flows out of Eden to water the garden…”  My hope is that our worship life will trickle out into the world and be helpful to someone like you.

I’m the curator of worship (Associate Dean for the Chapel) at Eden.  I’m also Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship there.  When I’m not teaching or preparing for chapel worship, I also write and perform music.  You can listen at christophergrundy.com.  Oh, and I keep an occasional blog called “A More Peaceful Table” that connects events and issues with Holy Communion.

If you’re interested in using or adapting something on this blog, just drop me a note.  Thanks.

Photo credit: Joe Coyle